Before diving into the spurtCMS Admin application setup, it's essential to confirm that your system is adequately equipped with the required tools and configurations. This article aims to provide guidance on the essential prerequisites for a successful spurtCMS Admin application installation.

Step 1: Install Golang:

Begin by downloading the stable version of Golang, preferably 1.20.12 version, from the official Go website:

Step 2: Set up Golang Environment:

Open the terminal and use the following commands to install Golang:

Download the Go binary archive:

$ sudo wget


Extract the binary archive:

$ sudo tar -xzf go1.20.12.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/


Adjust the path variable for Go:

$ sudo nano /etc/profile


Add the following path at the end of the file:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin


Activate the PATH of the environment variable:

$ source /etc/profile


Check Go version:

$ go version


Step 3: Install PostgreSQL:

Install PostgreSQL 14.8 version.

Step 4: Install PgAdmin:

Install PgAdmin4 workbench (optional).Reference link:

Step 5: Database Setup:

Create a new database using PgAdmin and name it of your choice. We will use this database name in .env in subsequent steps in next article when setting up spurtCMS admin application.

The above steps concludes the prerequisites for setting up spurtCMS Admin application. Once these steps are completed, you are ready to move on to the installation and configuration of the spurtCMS Admin application.