spurtCMS GraphQL APIs

spurtCMS admin application offers a comprehensive suite of features and tools for efficient website management, empowering administrators to create, organize, and optimize content effectively while ensuring security and performance.

Integrating other applications with spurtCMS enables organizations to leverage the power of centralized content management, enhance user experiences, improve operational efficiency, and extend the reach and impact of their digital initiatives across diverse platforms and channels. While it's technically possible to access CMS data without an API, using an API provides a more robust, secure, and developer-friendly approach to retrieving and interacting with content stored within the CMS.

As a step forward, spurtCMS admin application offers GraphQL APIs that provides several benefits and advantages compared to traditional REST APIs such as,

• Flexible Data Retrieval - Clients can specify exactly what data they need, and they receive only that data in the response

• Single Endpoint for Data Access - TO simplify client-server interactions and reduce the number of network requests required to fetch data

• Client-driven Queries - To empower front-end developers to optimize data fetching based on specific UI requirements without relying on changes to the server-side implementation

• Evolutionary API Development - New fields or types can be added to the schema without impacting older clients, providing flexibility for API evolution and versioning

Understanding Channels and Channel Entries:

In the realm of Content Management Systems (CMS), channels and channel entries play pivotal roles in organizing and managing content effectively.

“Channels” in a spurtCMS admin application are logical containers or groupings that help organize and categorize content. They are often used to represent different sections or areas within a website, application, or digital platform. Channels serve as a way to segment content based on topics, types, or any other meaningful criteria.

“Channel Entries”, on the other hand, are the individual content items or pieces of content stored within channels. They represent the actual content assets such as articles, blog posts, news items, images, videos, or any other type of multimedia or textual content.


In spurtCMS GraphQL APIs, various functions are implemented to manage and retrieve channels and channel entries efficiently. Let's explore some key functions:

ChannelList Function:

The ChannelList function acts as the controller for retrieving a list of channels from the CMS. It considers criteria like access control and membership status to fetch channels. Users with appropriate permissions can access all channels, while regular members can only view channels they are part of.

ChannelEntriesList Function:

This function serves as the controller for retrieving a list of channel entries based on specified criteria such as access control, membership status, channel ID, and entry ID. It ensures that users can only access entries they are authorized to view, maintaining content security and privacy.

ChannelDetail Function:

The ChannelDetail function retrieves detailed information about a specific channel based on the provided channel ID. It ensures that users with the right permissions can access channel details while restricting access for unauthorized users.


Explore more about the spurtCMS GraphQL APIs in action using playground interface Link to https://graphql.spurtcms.com/play